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    Kevin Patel

  • Calender icon Publish Date : 2025-03-03
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    24 min read

How To Add Google Reviews On GoDaddy Website
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GoDaddy is the world’s largest domain registrar, with 82 million domains. Its inbuilt website builder makes it very convenient to start creating a website from scratch even if you don’t know how to code a single line.

Though having a website is a must to grow your brand, adding Google reviews is like adding a cherry to it. These reviews, when embedded in your GoDaddy website, can maximize your online presence. So, what’s stopping you from taking the versatility of GoDaddy to its best and embedding Google Reviews on GoDaddy website?

Let's explore the steps to add Google reviews to the Godaddy website.

Why Add Google Reviews To GoDaddy Website?

Adding Google reviews to your GoDaddy website has many benefits for your business. It can improve credibility, enhance SEO, and much more. Here are a few more reasons why you should embed Google reviews on GoDaddy website: 

  1. Build More Credibility

Whenever a visitor arrives on your website, you have only a few seconds to prove your credibility and make them stay on it. And one of the best ways to look credible is by putting Google reviews on your GoDaddy website.

You can add positive customer feedback to your website to create a good impression about your brand. This builds your brand credibility and keeps your visitors on your website for longer. These reviews validate the quality of your products or services and make them feel comfortable engaging with your business.

  1. Increase Trust

Trust is the foundation of any successful business, and Google reviews are an effective way to create this trust. According to studies, 95% of customers read reviews online before making a purchase. 

You can highlight your existing customer's experience to visitors by embedding Google reviews on your website. With good reviews, potential customers will develop trust in your brand, which builds their confidence in your products or services. 

  1. Improve Conversions

The most important trigger that makes more customers buy from you is trust. The more authentic Google reviews on your GoDaddy website are, the higher are the chances that the customers will buy from you.

By displaying genuine customer experiences, you can build confidence in your visitors that your business is authentic and worth trusting. This experience leads them to either purchase, register for a service, or contact you for some information. Hence, adding Google reviews to your website will increase conversion rates and sales.

  1. Enhance SEO 

Adding Google reviews to GoDaddy website enhances your credibility and trust and is also very helpful in boosting SEO. Google's algorithm gives high importance to these reviews when ranking websites higher on searches.  

Customer reviews can also contain keywords, increasing your website's searchability. Google analyzes the rich data from the reviews, including star ratings, prioritizing your business in the search results. 

How To Embed Google Reviews On GoDaddy?

Adding Google reviews to your GoDaddy website is an excellent way to gain the trust of your visitors and enhance your business reputation. So, let's get to work, and follow the below-given steps to embed Google reviews on your GoDaddy website.

  • Step 1: Sign In To Your Google Business Account

Before embedding Google reviews to the GoDaddy website, you must access your Google My Business account. Here is how to do it:

  1. Go to the Google My Business page.

  2. Enter your business account login details to log in to your account. If you don’t have a Google My Business account yet, you must create one.

  3. Once you are logged in to your account, you can manage your business details and read reviews your customers have left.

  • Step 2: Go To The Reviews Section

In your Google My Business dashboard, navigate to the Reviews section. 

  1. Locate and click on the "Reviews" tab in your Google My Business dashboard.

  2. Here, you will see a list of all the reviews your customers have left. You can read and manage these reviews from here. 

  3. Please take a few minutes to review the feedback and select the ones you want to include on your GoDaddy website.

  • Step 3: Copy The Code

Google My Business provides you the HTML code for your reviews, so that you can embed them on your website. Here's how you will get your review code:

  1. On your selected reviews, locate the three dots on the upper left and click them.

  2. You will find a "Share review" option; click on it. 

  3. A popup will appear; click the "Embed..." tab to generate your GoDaddy embed code. 

  4. Lastly, click on the "Copy HTML" tab.

This code is your key to embedding Google reviews on your website.

  • Step 4: Go To GoDaddy Website Editor

You now have your embed code ready, so it's time to copy it into your GoDaddy website editor. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy website admin panel and go to the product page.

  2. Scroll down to the category for Websites + Marketing, and next to your website, click on Manage.

  3. Click Edit Website (or Edit Site) to get into the GoDaddy website builder.

You're now in the GoDaddy website editor, where you'll add your Google reviews to the exact page on which you want them to appear.

  • Step 5: Add A Review Section

You must add a section to your website displaying your Google reviews. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Now you are at the GoDaddy website builder

  2. Click on the page you want your reviews to display.

  3. Locate Add a section at the area where you want to add your reviews.

  4. Search "Reviews," then pick the section you wish to have from the drop-down list.

  5. Include that section. 

  6. Here, it is time to take a pause and decide between the two ways GoDaddy provides for adding reviews to your site:

Link To External Source: 

  1. You can easily link your website to an external source like Google, Facebook, or Yelp.

  2. Choose Google Business Profile from the dropdown.

  3. Click “Connect” and sign into your Google Business Profile.

Add Reviews Manually: 

Alternatively, you can add and manage reviews instream.

  1. Select Add or Edit Reviews.

  2. Reviews can be reordered by dragging them around and deleted if they are no longer wanted.

  • Step 6: Paste The Code

Now that you have decided to place the Google My Business embed code on your website, it's time to do that. Here is how to do it:

  1. Open your page within GoDaddy's website builder where you would like your reviews to display.

  2. Paste the code you copied from the Google My Business dashboard earlier here. 

  • Step 7: Save Changes And Publish Reviews

After embedding reviews on your website, it's time to finalize and publish your changes.

  1. Save all of your changes by clicking the Save button.

  2. Use the Preview feature to see how your reviews will look on your live website. This gives you one last chance to tweak before the site goes live.

  3. Click Publish when you're happy with how reviews will appear on your GoDaddy site. 

  4. They will now be live, and visitors will begin to see Google reviews.

These steps will help you easily integrate your Google reviews into your GoDaddy website. Doing this will boost your brand reputation and increase conversions.

Final Thoughts

Adding Google Reviews to your GoDaddy website is one of the easiest yet most effective ways to demonstrate the credibility of your business to your potential clients. By following the above steps, you can easily add Google reviews to your GoDaddy website. 

These reviews will help your website create a good impression of your brand and gain more conversions. 

Start embedding your reviews today and let your happy customers speak for your brand!


Embedding Google reviews on GoDaddy website gains your visitor's trust and raises the credibility of your business, resulting in more conversions.

To add reviews on a GoDaddy website, you need to log into your Google My Business, copy the review embed code, and then insert it into the GoDaddy website editor by adding a review section.

Yes, you can customize how Google reviews are displayed. You are in full control of what the Google reviews look and feel like on your GoDaddy site. You can change colors, layout, etc.

You can manually add Google reviews to your GoDaddy website by selecting and editing reviews or adding fresh ones within the website editor.

Yes, GoDaddy can include up to 9 reviews at once. Visitors coming to your website can view more reviews at Google and build trust on your brand.

Kevin Patel

Kevin Patel is a highly skilled and talented business expert with a proven track record of optimizing Google reviews for both small and large businesses. His working knowledge of Google reviews can help enhance local SEO ranking. Also, his digital marketing strategies help solve complex challenges for all types of businesses. His proficiency in analyzing Google reviews helps companies stay ahead in competitive markets. Even in the way he works for BuyReviewZ clients, he assures success.