• author
    Sarah Smith

  • Calender icon Publish Date : 2023-04-19
  • Calender icon Last Update : 2024-10-22
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    9 min read

A Guide On How To Delete Google Reviews
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Today, businesses are increasingly challenged to uphold their brand's reputation in the digital age, where anyone is free to say anything. Customers generally forget to leave reviews after having a good, positive experience with a brand’s products or services. Still, they will leave no stone unturned to negatively review the business in case of a bad experience.

Although good and bad reviews are part of the business and will keep changing from time to time, few get to the extreme extent and get on the business owners' nerves, making it difficult for them to handle. So here comes the decision in the picture to delete such reviews.

While some businesses might resort to unethical practices like buying Google reviews to offset negative feedback, it's essential to prioritize authentic customer experiences and address genuine concerns.

However, the real challenge is to delete Google reviews posted on your business page. It takes time and will only happen with the involvement of Google. Here, we have discussed everything about the deletion process, the alternative to deleting, and, most important, when to delete.

Can You Delete Google Reviews? 

Yes, but the process is very complex. 

The good news is that Google reviews can be challenged. However, deleting a Google review can be challenging in itself. It takes much more time and effort than simply going to your Google account and removing the review yourself. 

You should know how to remove harmful or false comments from Google reviews. However, if you believe a review has been falsified or any of your business listings have been wronged, there are steps you can take.

The process is complicated, and there is no guarantee that you will succeed. On the other hand, you could get in touch with Google and flag the review in the hope that they will remove it. 

However, as mentioned earlier, there is no guarantee that they will listen to what you say and remove the review on your behalf. In that case, raising a legal suit can be the last resort!

How Do You Know When To Delete Google Review?

You can request Google to remove the reviews in certain situations, as stated in the Google review policy. You can occasionally make requests for deleting Google reviews in case the following scenarios arise- 

#1. The Review Contains Mature Content

Any Google review that contains illegal content that is sexually explicit, profane, or offensive will be taken down. It's more likely to be noticed by Google before you.

Another example of a prohibited Google review is using profanity or obscenities to offend other users or emphasize criticism. Also, sexually explicit reviews will be removed from Google to make it a safe place to explore the world. 

All adult-themed inappropriate content not intended for educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic purposes is subject to this.

For example, an unhappy customer reviewing the company or its employees in derogatory or offensive terms are not accepted in the public domain or even Google policy. Therefore, it will be taken down immediately from the platform.

#2. Aimed At Harassing Businesses Or People

Unfortunately, some customers will only be satisfied if you do it for them. Sometimes, they can even get to the extent of harassing through fake content on Google reviews, if not in person.

Ventures like gyms, restaurants, cafés, salons, etc., are local customer-centric businesses. By any means, if any of the customers turn out to be that character, it will become challenging to manage. 

They will sometimes keep up with writing harassing reviews on your Google My Business Page. However, you will get to understand the next step by reading them. 

#3. Spreading False Information About the Business

Fake reviews often contain false information barely related to your business's nature. They are entirely irrelevant, having false accusations and testimonials. 

Characteristics of fake reviews:

  • Multiple reviews in a single period of time.
  • Only ratings, no commentary.
  • Reviews come from an unknown person whom you don't know. Only in the case of a small local business like a salon, gym, etc., can you identify your customers online.

Contact Google if you've received a fake review. Although Google has numerous policies regarding reviews, it is not possible to automatically identify reviews of this kind.

#4. Contain Dangerous, Illegal Things

Google has a strict policy regarding numerous products or services subject to local regulations. Therefore, if a Google review talks about alcohol, tobacco, gambling, guns, health and medical devices, adult services, deceptive things, etc., specific guidelines must be followed. 

For instance, those reviews might not include CTAs or offer to sell products or services subject to local laws.

Examples of this include attempts at phishing, clearly "bought" negative customer reviews, malicious negative customer reviews, and product advertising placement. Insults and abuse are also included if the negative review does not provide a valid explanation for the situation.

#5. The Review Talks About Completely Irrelevant Things

Reviews unrelated to your business products or services are often intended to tarnish your online reputation deliberately. Google reviews should be used to inform customers about your company, not as a forum for personal attacks. You can call out such reviews for the deletion process. 

#6. Compares Your Business With Competitors' Business

You can also remove a few negative reviews containing links and explicit content promoting your competitors. But, again, Google Maps isn't trying to be a forum; instead, it wants to be a platform where customers can make informed choices.

As soon as you experience this kind of review, quickly remove them. This could be done purposely by your rivals to degrade your online reputation.

#7. The Review Is Advertising Something That's Not Related To Business

The review promoting or reporting about other things not connected with your item, administration, or business location does not abide by the terms and conditions of the review sites’ policy. One can misunderstand your brand. 

For example- A review published on a gym company business profile talking negatively about protein shake is not relevant. This can hamper the gym company's name immensely.

#8. One Customer Is Adding Multiple Negative Reviews

When the same harmful review content is being written multiple times from various profiles, be assured that something unusual is happening. In this case, you need to react quickly with proper online reputation management. Also, you may seek help from Google.

How To Delete A Google Review On a Desktop

Sadly, there is no significant "delete" button to erase unwanted and mean reviews at once. 

But, several options are available to you if you are the business owner and have received a review that goes against Google's content policy. The first and most obvious approach is marking the review as violating a policy.

#1. File A Legal Review Removal Request

A legal removal request is the best way to remove Google reviews, but this option is available only if the review is illegal.

Steps to file a legal removal request:

  • Navigate to the content removal tool.
  • Select "Google My Company."
  • Respond to Google's inquiries regarding the review.

If you submit a request for legal removal, you should know that Google takes your request very seriously. Consequently, if you submit one of these reports, you may claim wrongdoing or illegal activity. As a result, Google will ensure that they follow the correct procedure from start to finish.

Another possible way is if you got in touch with Google regarding the spam star reviews but received no response, you can hire an experienced internet attorney to sue to get a court order to remove the offensive content.

Although you can sue for a bad review, the review must violate the platform's terms of service or cross the line into defamation territory. It will be challenging to win a lawsuit if the negative review does not satisfy one or both of these requirements.

#2. Flag Reviews 

Some owners need to be more comfortable filing a case, especially when running a small business. In that case, flagging the reviews is the best option for them.

Steps To Flag Reviews On Your Computer

  • Sign in to your Google account.
  • Go to business.google.com
  • Select "Reviews" from the menu
  • Click the "More" icon (three horizontal dots) next to the review you want to flag. 
  • Select "Flag as inappropriate," 
  • Write the reason for which you are flagging the review. 
  • Click "Submit."

Step To Flag Using Google My Business Account

Using Google My Business Account to report reviews has proven to be more efficient than using the flagging option, as mentioned above. You can follow the following steps if you are looking forward to doing the same.

  • Open the location you want to manage in your Google My Business account (if your company has more than one location) 
  • Select Reviews from the menu bar 
  • Locate the fake Google review 
  • Click the three vertical dots on the top left corner. 
  • Select "Flag as inappropriate." 
  • Mention the reason for which you are flagging the review. 
  • Click "Submit."

The review will be escalated to a team of Google Business profile review specialists once you have flagged it. Typically, this review process takes up to 72 hours.

How To Delete A Google Review On Mobile [iOS/Android]

Some steps are listed below to guide you in reviewing deletion using any Android or iOS smartphone.

Steps To Delete Google Reviews On Android Phones

  • Launch the Android app and open Google Maps.
  • Click the picture of you/ Profile Picture in the top right.
  • Select "Reviews" to access your Business Profile.
  • Locate the review that you wish to report.
  • Select "Report the review."

Steps To Delete Google Reviews On iOS Devices

  • Launch the Google Maps app on your iPhone or iPad,
  • Click on the top right profile picture to access your Business Profile.
  • Select "Reviews."
  • Locate the review that you wish to report.
  • Select "Report review."

What If You Can't Remove A Review? 

There will be some instances where you cannot delete a Google review. In that case, you follow the below-mentioned possible ways.

#1. Ask The Reviewer About Their Problem And Ask Them To Edit The Review 

Understanding the customer's point of view is the first step when your business receives a negative review. When done correctly, knowing how to respond to negative reviews can be very helpful to companies. 

A negative review does not always mean the end of the world. If you handle complaints professionally, you can still turn dissatisfied customers into lifelong advocates of your brand.

What If The Customer Refuses To Edit? What To Do?

You can do a few things if a customer refuses to edit reviews. Communicate with dissatisfied customers. Whether you communicate with them in person or via email, these tips will help ease the situation.

Ask Them About The Problem

You must first inquire deeply about the customer's cause of dissatisfaction. You must first identify and name the customer's issue.

Try To Resolve It

Attempt to resolve it by demonstrating that you care about them and comprehend their emotions. Say that you have a higher standard for how things should be done and that you would also be disappointed by such an experience. 

Because it was undoubtedly a fundamental error, you want to rectify the situation as soon as possible

Guarantee That You Will Resolve It

Lastly, promise to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Take, for instance, the chance to make amends. You can get the customer to tell you what they think is the best way to solve their problem if you don't already have one.

Suppose nothing works in the most desired outcome imaginable; in that case, everybody can at least, in any case, see that you offered help and that you thought about your client's necessities, regardless of whether the client erased or altered the review or Google doesn't erase it. 

Eventually, such devotion is more important than a positive review.

#2. Respond Politely To Negative Reviews 

Respond if your customer is leaving you with a negative review. Even if a customer writes a negative review, showing that you care about them is essential. 

By responding to their complaint and responding to some of the questions posed in the review, you can demonstrate to the potential new customers how much effort has been put into ensuring that each customer is pleased with our products or services.

When responding to a negative Google review, the following things can be kept in mind:

  • Maintain your cool!
  • Personalize the response
  • Thank them for their feedback 
  • Don't get defensive. Instead, apologize and sympathize 
  • Ask for a second chance
  • Give them a reason to come back to your business enterprise 
  • Meet them in person if felt necessary 

#3. Tweet Or Contact Teams At Google

You can file a public complaint with Google itself if you have tried all the options but have yet to receive a response. However, because people will be able to see the reactions Google gets, this will pressure them later.

Therefore, it is in their best interest to address those issues as they arise.

How To Contact Google Teams

  • Contact Google via Twitter at @GoogleMyBiz to accomplish this. In addition, follow them so they can contact you directly about your issue.
  • Tweet about a Google review that should be deleted. 
  • Attach any screenshots to your tweet or direct message to speed up the process. 
  • Include a link to Google's Small Business department and a brief description. Thanks to this, they get a clearer picture of the problem and deal with it quickly and directly.

You can also get in touch with Google in the following other ways:

  • Log in to your Google My Business profile. Click "Support" at the bottom of the left menu.
  • Fill out a support form with specifics about your issue. 
  • Click on 'Reach Us' and go through the moves toward filing your case.

#4. Get More Positive Reviews To Overshadow Negative Ones

Obtain more favorable feedback. Everyone is aware that it is typical for small businesses or local businesses to receive negative feedback from time to time. However, if you have a lot of positive reviews, the negative ones will always be at the bottom.

As a result, you need to get in touch with your satisfied clients to get a review of your business. Additionally, there are numerous methods for requesting a Google review:

  • Ask via email or text message or phone number. 
  • Print QR codes on packages, 
  • Embed a review button or a link on your website that opens up the review section of your business profile online.
  • Last, but most important, promote positive reviews or provide incentives to one with positive reviews. 

It will encourage potential customers to purchase from you. And also to leave another favorable review by displaying your best reviews on your website, thereby bringing in more google reviews.

How Often Do People Leave Negative Google Reviews? 

Dissatisfied customers are more likely to drop negative reviews. Negative reviews can hurt a small local business or a big national brand when it comes to doing business. Companies with negative reviews or low star ratings will be avoided, just as customers rely on positive online reviews to make purchases. 

According to Invesp, Reliability takes up nearly 27%, expertise 21%, and professionalism 18% as the most important reputation markers for a local business.

86% of consumers said they would hesitate to purchase from a company with negative reviews, indicating that they take online reviews seriously. 92% of customers say they will only visit a business with a rating of at least four stars.

Why You Should Not Remove All Negative Google Reviews:?

When it comes to online reviews, both negative ones, as well as positive Google reviews can be beneficial. Learn how negative reviews can help your business.

#1. Negative Reviews Help With SEO

Negative reviews should only be used in moderation. According to the Local SEO Guide, getting bad reviews boosts your credibility. Having a variety of viewpoints will help your business appear authentic. Prospective customers are more likely to view a business with only positive reviews as suspicious.

#2. Unbelievable, But It Helps Build Loyalty And Trust.

Some businesses may immediately attempt to conceal any negative feedback. However, potential customers may believe you are concealing something if your reviews are positive. 

You will be able to maintain transparency by displaying all of your favorable and unfavorable reviews. It demonstrates that you are not attempting to deceive anyone and have nothing to hide.

#3. Improve Business Operation And Profit

Critical reviews can shed light on important issues. Reviews help build trust and engagement with your customers when they are attributed and genuine. After receiving a brand's response to their negative feedback, 18% of people became loyal repeat customers, according to a Harris study. As a result, they increase your sales and profit. 

#4. Removing All Negative Reviews Can Frustrate Customers

Almost every company and product has at least a few flaws. People will only stop buying your product because of a few bad reviews. However, customers may become suspicious and angry if no reviews highlight your product's shortcomings. They might even lose faith in the favorable reviews you display.

#5. Businesses With 100% Positive Reviews May Look Unnatural

What do you do when you get a negative review? First, the review might be immediately censored by some business owners. Your company will only be able to gain the trust of potential customers by choosing this option as a business that receives only positivity across its customer base might seem to be lying!  

#6. Negative Reviews Can Highlight Improvement Things

Negative Reviews can help you locate your blind spot in business dealings. It allows you to identify the shortcomings of your products and services and eventually assist you in planning a worthy strategy to deal with them effectively. Negative reviews can be beneficial if you know how to use them most effectively!

#7. Responding To Negative Reviews Shows You As Genuine

Let's say a customer had trouble obtaining a replacement for a damaged item that had arrived. They leave a negative review about their encounter. You can respond by apologizing, offering a solution to the problem, or giving them a gift card.

This is a great way to demonstrate how responsive you are too bad customer experiences. In addition, it will reassure potential customers that you will assist them even if they have a negative experience. You might even convert a dissatisfied client into a devoted advocate.

Key Takeaways 

It can be exhausting and time-consuming to wait for Google to remove a review from its search engine. However, your customer service team should be able to quickly address negative Google reviews and improve your relationship with new and existing customers with the assistance of the aforementioned steps.


#1. Is it legal for Google to remove reviews?

Report the review to request that it be removed from your Business Profile by Google. Reviews that go against Google's policies can be removed. It is advised to read the Google review policy before requesting the deletion of an online review. 

#2. How long does it take a review to be removed by Google?

Google can remove false reviews in as little as five days or as many as twenty days.

#3. How can I remove an individual's Google review?

To report inappropriate or spam reviews, directly contact the provider. Click on the reviewer's name to visit the third party's website. Shortly after the service provider modifies or delete reviews from their website, the update to your Business Profile will appear.

#4. If I delete my Google account, will all my reviews be lost?

Even if you delete your Google account, negative reviews will not disappear. After it has been created, a business profile appears in Google search results. If you delete your account, you will only lose control of it.

Sarah Smith

Sara holds expertise in brand management and rebranding. She has worked as a business communication specialist and understands the basic 'know-how' of empowered brand communication. Her experience in brand management helps her create Google reviews that hit potential customer's pain points. She is responsible for planning, ideating, and conceptualizing Google reviews at Buyreviewz.com for a group of brand owners looking for rebranding through local SEO, Google business, and viable digital reach!