• author
    Mary Edward

  • Publish Date : 2023-04-18
  • Last Update : 2024-09-07
  • 29 min read

Google Reviews The Ultimate Business Growth Tool
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Google Reviews are crucial for marketing research because they let you learn directly from the audience about their desires. 

Consumers trust online reviews, so they regularly read both positive and negative reviews on Google before purchasing. They search for products that have received favorable evaluations.

Positive Google reviews and recommendations promote credibility and trust, which helps to entice new reviews and clients and boosts conversion rates. 

Google reviews give customers a great platform to express their opinions about your products and services. Hence, customer reviews may generate leads and help you identify the improvements your company needs to make to expand.

Regardless of how excellent your services are or how sincere your messaging may be, what clients have to say about your company is more significant than what you have to say about it. 

Google has included customer reviews in its local ranking algorithm. Why? Because it recognizes the value that consumers place on them.

Most importantly, not only the quantity but also the quality of those reviews is an essential factor in being able to rank on the top of SERPs. 

Foundational Guide To Google Reviews For Business

According to Podium, 88 percent of consumers look up neighbouring companies online. As a result, they are far more likely to influence a consumer's choice to support a local business than traditional marketing and loyalty.

Without consideration for online reputation management and reviews, no marketing strategy would be complete in the contemporary digital marketplace.

You need a thorough strategy that considers efficient data, customer communication, and the creation and upkeep of reviews if you want to stay competitive.

This section explains SEO and its relation with Google reviews.  Also, explain some of the essential elements of search engine optimization on your website and how it can affect your Google reviews.

#1. Working at the basic foundation

Do you have a website? First, you should know how Google ranks your website, even if someone else designed your website. So here are a few questions to ask yourself.

  1. What does your website aim to achieve? 

  2. Does it help you attract more customers? 

  3. Can you quickly discover it on Google? 

  4. Does it stack up against rival internet businesses?

  5. Have you added all the critical information like the company name, phone number, and business location?

All this is the game of Search engine optimization (SEO). The online reviews that you get for your business have got a vital role to play in the ranking of your website. 

Now, you might be wondering, Exactly how do Google reviews affect SEO rankings?

The primary justification for this is Google's faith in the power of word-of-mouth marketing. As a result, the quantity and calibre of reviews are considered when determining the Google search position. 

This should not be unexpected because search engines and customers have the same objectives. Google wants to swiftly locate the relevant business information, service, or product from the internet in line with what we want as consumers. Reviews are essentially crowdsourced recommendations.

Three characteristics, such as "Chinese restaurant," will largely determine where each website will show when you input a local search phrase into Google:

  • Relevance

  • Distance

  • Prominence

The first two ranking criteria are obvious; Google will try to recommend local Chinese or Chinese fusion eateries. Reviews are significant and belong within that category. 

If local Chinese eateries have fewer, less favourable ratings and reviews, they might not perform better than rivals with hundreds of highly rated evaluations. 

#2. Google Maps Matters

Additionally, Google Reviews and Google Maps apps complement one another. Businesses may improve their exposure, get a competitive edge, and improve their positions on SERPs with the use of a Google business  listing that has been optimised. Google considers the number, calibre, regularity, and freshness of internet reviews.

As a result, well-known search engines are more inclined to consider businesses that routinely obtain many favourable reviews and star ratings. For instance, Google knows that a rating of 4.5 indicates a high degree of consumer confidence in a specific brand.

#3. Local SEO for your business

Relevance, distance, and prominence are the three primary categories into which Google Groups local ranking elements.

Review information fits within the category of prominence. How widely known a firm is how prominence is defined.

According to Google:

More reviews and favourable ratings are better for a company's local ranking, as Google considers both when determining local search ranking.

Interact with customers by responding to their evaluations of your business. By answering reviews, you show that you value your clients' opinions regarding your company. 

If your institution is more well-known and receives outstanding, complementary customer feedback from its customers, a potential customer is more inclined to visit it. Make a Google review link where customers may post reviews to entice them to do so.

There is no way to request or pay for a higher local ranking from Google. Google often doesn't go into much detail. But we can state with certainty that reviews substantially impact rankings. 

Can you put a number on that? Yes.

While everyone wants their reviews to have more stars, there is another strong argument in favour of asking for more reviews: more organic traffic. 

However, your Google My Business ratings influence how well you fare in local search results or on Google Maps.

Google offers the advice that you should monitor reviews and reply to them. However, it goes on to say that when evaluating local ranking, they consider your company's proximity.

Additionally, any geographical terms used, how well your business profile fits what people are looking for, and your popularity or level of renown.

Acquiring Online Reviews: Learn How To Gain More Google Reviews For Your Business

While some customer feedback on Google may come in naturally without your asking for it, review acquisition strategies are essential to significantly increase the number of customer testimonials. 

It's also imperative to understand that several customers don’t know how to leave a review or even understand how the Google account works. In such cases, you will have to guide them through the process. 

These strategies can significantly and quickly increase the number of reviews you gather, regardless of your financial situation.

Here are some strategies that can help you get more online reviews:

#1. Request reviews from satisfied clients after they complete an NPS survey about your business.

Use statistics on client satisfaction to your advantage if you have them. For example, asking satisfied clients to leave recommendations for your business results in favourable ratings. 

On a scale of one to 10, consumers are asked in a net promoter score survey how likely they are to suggest their business to a friend. Customers who grant you a nine or ten might be encouraged to evaluate your business.

#2. Create popups and calls to action on your website.

Encourage new customers to post reviews by placing several calls to action on your website and even by including a little pop-up window. You've probably encountered these pop ups and CTAs at work; they often adhere to a specific CTA pattern.

The likelihood that a call-to-action may psychologically compel customers to post a review is increased.

#3. Reward those who will give you feedback.

You can earn more reviews by rewarding individuals for their reviews. You can experiment to see how your clients react to various incentives, such as vouchers or cupcakes. This strategy doesn't have to be extremely expensive.

The number of favourable reviews you receive will increase with a clear incentive, such as giving the first ten individuals to rate you each a $10 Amazon gift card (which costs just $100). 

Another option is to collaborate with a charitable organisation and donate for each product review left.

#4. Put Out Review Requests During events.

If you hold an event that your clients attend, this is a great way to acquire reviews. 

You may set up a booth and ask customers to provide feedback on a laptop or tablet. Laptops are recommended for third-party websites with extensive clearance processes and limited character limits. Tablets are perfect for rapid assessments.

#5. Instead of internal surveys, use external review sites.

Businesses typically use polls to get customer feedback, instead of pressing customers to post their thoughts on a third-party review site like Yelp. 

You can get the same information from users who leave comments on another website, which lets you post reviews while also getting feedback about how well you're doing.

This is easier to accomplish if you have a product and are less worried about what people might think. By offering incentives to your customers or sending emails on your behalf, several review sections of the services may help you collect reviews. This is the most excellent option for small businesses with potential time or money restrictions.

#6. Display app messages

You can post messages on your platform requesting reviews if you own a software firm or have an app. The most significant time to do this is after someone has enjoyed themselves.

If you catch folks at the proper time, they could give you a more positive evaluation. For example, Instagram may periodically prompt users to rate the application after posting an image.

How To Collect Google Reviews Via Email?

Businesses would be wise to email requests for assessments. Firstly, email is still a fantastic way to communicate with your customers: 

  • 58% of users check their email before doing anything else online

  • 91% of users view their email every day. Second, you may play with alternative styles and wording while including a direct link to the review website in the email.

Either a mass email or a private message can be used to ask for evaluations. If it makes sense, you might wish to send a single, comprehensive email. It's easy to use these templates.

Manually compiling reviews has the advantage of being free and accessible to anybody without the need for special software. 

The potential for inaccuracies in the preservation and re-use of client feedback and the potential for unnecessary time consumption are drawbacks of carrying out this process manually.

If you want to do this, you can put the following suggestions to use:

  1. First, list out your client's email.

  2. Send your customer an email review invitation and ask them to respond with testimonials or feedback on your product or service.

  3. Wait a few days for advice on the answer.

  4. Send a follow-up email if you do not hear back after a few days.

You'll encounter a few issues after finishing this process. If you wish to add the reviews to your website, you might need to take action, like storing the reviews in an Excel file or another document.

So, if you want to simplify your life, you may consider using software to centralise your sources, emails, social network posts, and website reviews.

The Art Of Responding To Google Reviews

Responding to reviews is a valuable method for managing your online reputation. Unfortunately, many businesses lose out on the opportunity to respond to online consumer reviews. They waste the chance to present the company's perspective and demonstrate how much they appreciate existing and future customers.

Before responding to your online Google reviews, you must analyse them. Because it enables you to learn what users think of your app, website, or experience, review analysis is crucial. 

It is fundamentally a customer-focused activity. Based on what your consumers value helps you to decide what to enhance.

#1. How To Analyze Online Reviews?

The study of reviews is crucial, but how is it done? 

The labour-intensive manual technique from a decade ago has been replaced by more convenient modern technologies, making it simpler to convert your unfiltered assessment database into meaningful information. The simple method is a simple three-step procedure that couldn't be much easier:

  • First, find a review analysis source, and add your reviews to their platform.

  • Analyse the results to pinpoint the key issues, flaws, or feature requests.

  • Third, find specific examples of critical issues, then share your findings with the appropriate people.

#2. How To Respond To Reviews From Happy Customers

When responding to positive reviews, go beyond simply saying "Thank you!" or We are grateful to you. Customise your response instead to show your customers that you took the effort to produce an accurate and perceptive reply.

 By attracting repeat customers and devoted clients, writing review responses can enhance your digital marketing ROI.

Adapt the following methods to your company's personality and brand when reacting to favourable reviews:

#3. Write your response as soon as you are able

If you respond promptly, positive evaluations will appear more significant and genuine. Even though you are not required to respond right once after the review is published, you shouldn't let more than 24 hours pass.

  1. List the reviewers' names: Don't just begin your response to Eva H.'s positive review with "Thanks for your review." Instead, start by saying, "Hello, Eva!"

  2. Keep being grateful: Now that you have addressed the reviewer by name, you may thank them. In answer, say something like, "Hello, Eva!" I sincerely appreciate your kind sentiments.

  3. Discuss the main points the critic has raised: For example, if Sarah mentioned your accounting firm's detailed tax preparation advice in her evaluation, acknowledge her respect for it. Typically, you only need to say "thank you" once for all the good sentiments the reviewer has expressed.

  4. Keep it succinct: Positive reviews shouldn't require lengthy answers. Instead, you can use those mentioned above as a last "thank you" or another statement of appreciation. Include your name, please.

  5. Share your glowing testimonials: Share the favourable review on your company's social media pages after you've responded to it. Positive testimonials can also be added to your website's testimonials page.

  6. How To Respond To Negative Reviews: Most business owners and executives want to please and surprise their customers. 

But unfortunately, your business may need to reply to a negative review despite all your efforts. If you keep ignoring these reviews, they will harm your business name. Moreover, negative reviews indicate that customers have negative experiences, which you need to resolve soon. 

When this happens, seek guidance from reputable professionals with the necessary business knowledge and experience before making a choice. Responding while you're angry or frustrated is the last thing you want to do.

It is easier to understand positive assessments than negative ones. The complaint frequently stems from an actual issue. 

  1. If your company made a mistake, admit it, and express your regret when responding to valid concerns. Mention how the error is inconsistent with your commitment to providing excellent customer service, timely shipment, and other values. Offer to apologise.

  2. When reacting to irrational complaints, remember that, in any case, you must always be gentle and genuine in your responses. 

Think about how you may respond genuinely and meaningfully without jeopardising your integrity. Try your best to respond professionally, courteously, and considerately. 

You don't want to argue with this consumer in front of other people. Express your regret that they are feeling this way. Indicate that there could have been a miscommunication if it is acceptable. 

You can also tell them to contact you offline so that you can discuss it more.

Although you may not be able to please every customer, prospects will notice your efforts.

Analysing the Google Reviews Data: 3 Ways To Leverage Reviews Data and Make Profits

Would you wish to boost the feedback you receive online? The customer data you receive through online reviews is vital in improving your online reputation. 

The insights you gain from consumer data analysis will help your marketing, products, and customer experiences. 

The improved customer experience may lead to more consumers buying from you and referring you to others. 73% of shoppers say that a good shopping experience affects their buying decision.

The trick, though, is to analyse the data you get to acquire practical insights thoroughly.

Regarding your question, which is how to leverage customer data for company growth, here are 3 best strategies from professionals:

#1.  Create an easy-to-use product.

Fantastic customer experiences are made possible by the utilisation of consumer data. 

Only after carefully evaluating user comments and data from the customer experience system can businesses identify customer pain areas. This can assist them in enhancing the product and their overall rating strategy for customer care.

#2. Improve the customer experience

Both firms that are B2B and B2C can attest to this. You might be able to pinpoint areas where you should invest more effort by asking customers what they enjoy best about your product or service.

Several B2C companies do this in this manner. However, you must understand that, as a firm, the company's primary source of consumer information is customer feedback and reviews.

You can check in with the customers to see how they are doing after delivering the services for them after a predetermined period. Then, based on evaluating their temperament and requirements, you can improve your services to make a better customer experience for the new consumers. 

When you try to understand a customer's requirements and then fulfil them, the personalised experience increases customer satisfaction.

#3. Up Your Content Marketing Game

Utilising client data to comprehend your audience's problems will help you produce content that will be helpful to them.

By getting to know your clients well, you can also learn about their preferred languages and formats for consuming information (in audio or video format, for example). 

You may then use this information to produce content that more effectively connects with your audience.


Google company evaluations may impact three significant areas: brand trust, local SEO, and consumer feedback. If you aren't currently using Google reviews, you might miss out on advantages your competitors could enjoy.

Google reviews are further free! For many businesses, this marketing channel delivers an excellent return on investment. With little work and resources, you might quickly get outstanding results for Google business reviews.

Use Google business reviews to improve brand trust, local SEO, feedback, and insights if you haven't already. You'll quickly realise that it's one of the most affordable ways to generate leads for your business and establish a reputation in your neighbourhood.


Q1. How many reviews on Google do I need?

Though the precise number of reviews you require is unclear, recent reviews increase the likelihood that Google Maps and search results will list your company. You must have a plan to consistently produce new reviews if you want to continue gaining from them. When clients connect with your business, regularly get in touch with them while it's still new, and they're more inclined to give reviews.

Q2. What factors determine where your business shows up in local search results?

As one of the primary components in local Google results, claim your Google Business Profile or Google My Business account. In order to help with local SEO, you can also search for localised keywords and use them to enhance the content on your website. In addition to local search optimization, getting Google reviews and connections from reliable websites directly affects your ranking.

Q3. How to Start Receiving More Google Reviews

The majority of the time, customers and search engines can tell whether it was a fake review(it's against Google’s review policy). So stick to time-tested strategies like asking clients for reviews directly, sending out email updates, and letting customers know about your Google Reviews page. Long-term, you'll be glad you went with the right decision.

Mary Edward

Mary has been a content and copy specialist with 15 years of extensive experience in the writing background. She has worked as a merchandising specialist for startups and small businesses and holds efficiency in writing sellable copies to elevate sales. While Mary's writing skills are commendable, she is also our strategic partner with Buyreviewz.com. She writes Google reviews, understands the roles and responsibilities of the targeted business, and studies their local needs, bringing traffic and driving users' attention toward the brand's website and social media platforms.